Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Word from Dick Mills is 'Change' is coming! And it's gonna be good!

Hey everyone,
Last night we went to hear Dick Mills as it was our first night for Bethesda Bible College. For many of our e-mail gang who are not familiar with this man, suffice it to say that he is one of the most trusted, solid men of our time who flows in the field of prophecy and exhortation.
He had a word last night and I want to give it to all of you. The word is CHANGE! He said that change is coming to the body of Christ and to individuals. He talked about how change can be difficult for many, but that change is an awesome reality. He made reference to Job 14:14, where Job said that he would wait until the ‘change’ came! Job was waiting for the refreshing winds of change…in essence, for revival, renewal, an invigoration, an exchange to come to him.
Are you waiting for a ‘change’? Keep looking up my friend! Those refreshing winds are beginning to blow across the horizon! The Holy Spirit wants to blow ‘afresh’ into your sails! Let Him! I tell you…Let Him blow across your garden! Let Him bring the change that we all so desperately need! Come on now! (You all get me to preachin’ over here!)
He also said that we are not programmed to fail…NO! We are programmed to win! Now, before you hurry across the page, I want you to think about that…your born-again nature is literally programmed, much like a computer….TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!! He then gave someone Isaiah 48:15, at which time, I said, “I’ll take that thank you very much!” Why don’t you take the word ‘CHANGE’ and ‘programmed to win’ and Isaiah 48:15 as your own too!
Yeah baby!